
The narrative of Chudala

Yogavasishtha is a Sanskrit work, over sixteen centuries old, consisting of approximately 26,000 verses, narrating highly metaphysical stories in beautifully poetic language. In fact, its 55 stories serve only as a skeleton for a profound philosophy of consciousness. All the

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Fast Power

Fasting is the brahmastra, the greatest weapon in for any pathy to cure a disease or regain immunity. Old and young, Indian-born and American-born, the crowd is laughing and roaring, hollering and clapping, nearly 20,000 strong gathering of Indian Diaspora.

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Being with Nature

There can be no room for selfishness, anger, lack of faith or impatience in a pure fast… Infinite patience, firm resolve, single-mindedness of purpose, perfect calm and no anger must of necessity be there. but since it is impossible for

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on


Up goes the smoke as silently and naturally as the vapor exhales from the leaves, and as busy disposing itself in wreaths as the housewife on the hearth below. Nature confounds her summer distinctions at this season. The heavens seem

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On the Fast Track

So, how do you know that you need to be detoxified? Well, it’s a safe bet, that if you live in an industrialized society, you do. Of course, prevention and clean living is the first resort, but what if the

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Ayurveda is Treatise on Biology

He hails from the traditional Vaidyars (healers) family with 300-year old lineage of Ayurvedic practices imbued with compassion, scriptural knowledge, and excellence in healthcare. Dr S Sajikumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Dhathri Ayurveda, under the guidance of his grandfather and

By Dr. S. Sajikumar Posted on