
Marmani and Mind-Body Medicine

Deeper examination of the mind reveals its presence at the marma sites. Each energy point is relate to manas, the sensory mind and directly communicates perception, thought and emotion. Every marma is also related to buddhi, via cognition, retention and

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Marma Abhyanga

Marma abhyanga is an important treatmantal aspect of both disease prevention and disease treatment in ayurveda. It is useful to balance the doshas and increase Agni (digestive fire), for detoxification (Ama Reduction) as well as to promote energy (Vajikaran) and

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Fighting Alcoholic Hepatitis B through Detoxification

She suffered from urine incontinence, amenorrhea and leucorrhoea, low appetite, mood swings, low back pain and calf muscle cramps. The team at NIMBA thoroughly investigated her reports and health status. Thereafter they presented a comprehensive treatment plan. Subscribe…

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on