
The Quest

A thousand years ago two philosophers met on a slope of Lebanon, and one said to the other, “Where goes thou?” And the other answered, “I am seeking after the fountain of youth which I know wells out among these

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The word ‘science’ is derived from Latin verb root ‘scire’, to know. So, all knowledge is ‘science’ and God the Omniscient, from the same verb root, can be translated into modern English as God the All-scientist!! Up to 1840, what

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Summer is the season of Vata and Pitta. Heat abounds and we must help our bodies cope with the warmer weather. The sun takes away the strength of the people and the cooling qualities of the earth. It is the

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Virudh Aahaar

Ayurveda is a vast and ancient medical science. Unlike other medical sciences, instead of focusing on treatment of any particular disease, Ayurveda focuses more on the healthy living and well-being of the patient. For healthy living, Ayurveda emphasizes on consuming

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Fibers: Diet high in whole grains and other fiber-rich foods that provide lasting energy throughout the day. Fiber helps maintain a toned digestivetract by providing bulk which helps toxins and excesses to be evacuated easily. When the intestines are regularly

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Food is the vital breath of living beings that’s why people rush to the food. Complexion,cheerfulness, good voice, life, imagination, happiness, contentment, corpulence, strength, intellect – all these are dependent on food. As it is well known that “prevention is

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The first book I wrote is called Brahma’s Hair and it was about mythologies around Indian plants. How much of mythology is simply story and how much true fascinates me. There are about a 100 recognised breeds of cats. Most

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