
Is Yoga a religion?

While Yoga may be in Religions, the many Yoga practices with body, breath and mind, along with their transcendent goal of direct experience, are generally neither characteristic of Religions, nor typically practiced by the adherents of Religions. Yoga is contained

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Fever : Manilal & The Miracle

The whole body was burning like hot iron, and quite parched. There was absolutely no perspiration. My second son, manilal, who had already been through an acute attack of smallpox some years back, had a severe attack of typhoid, combined

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taste is good

Ayurveda recommends that all six tastes be included in each meal; when they are, we will be left feeling harmonious, peaceful, and calm, as each dosha has been nourished. Give your body the time it needs to get used to

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Do you think

Since the main defence of every ant colony is a recognition system based on smell, some invading queens fight with workers of the host species outside the nest, kill them, take their odour sacs and obtain a chemical disguise before

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21 Popular Myths & Facts about AYURVEDA

Ayurveda medicines can have both slow action and fast-action. The time required to treat any disease depends on many factors – particularly the duration and severity of the disease. In acute illnesses like fever, cough and cold or when most

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Booti of the Month : KESAR

The wonderful saffron helps bring the equilibrium of the three dohas — vata, pitta and kapha. Basically, its Ayurvedic nature is hot and it should not be taken more than 250 milligrams daily as medicine and 100 milligram daily as

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Agnihotra for Healing

Amidst the fascinating achievements of the modern era of science and technology in improving our comfort levels, stress and pollution have posed the major challenges for our well-being. The world is beginning to realize that the comforts provided to us

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Head & Tail

Riding backwards? Everyone knows that Mullah Nasruddin rides his donkey turning towards its tail. He was going like that one day. “Hodja! Why do you sit facing backwards?” asked someone. “Leave it man! You can not understand! Who said I

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