
Child Health Care: Immunisation

The whole approach of Ayurveda is in a life cycle fashion, which starts from the mortal science of Eugenics to the last breath. It extensively advises on diet, emotional balance etc. to parents to have a healthy progeny. Apart from

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Welcome Varsha Ritu with Ayurvedic Tips!!

Every season has a different effect on our body, mind and soul. Seasons in Ayurveda are called ‘ritus’. The ritus are: Varsha (monsoon) Sharad (autumn) Hemantha (winter) Shishira (late winter) Grishma (summer) Vasanta (spring) In a year there are different

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Management of Diabetes with Diet

Glucose is a sugar released from carbohydrates, so if we want to control blood sugar we have to limit the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrate food is given as value per portion known as exchange. This helps to decide on

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Improving Ayurvedic Education in India

The post-independent India’s political scenario is dominated by western model, especially in the areas of education, development and health. Contrary to the Gandhian philosophy of Swaraj and his critiques on modern western civilization, the political leadership in India ignored the

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Lifecycle Approach in Ayurveda

Astanga Hrudaya a classical Ayurveda text that starts with the secrets of the healthy life says following Ayurveda strictly makes you healthy for 100 years. आयु: कामायमानेनधर्मार्थसुखसाधनम्।आयुर्वेदोपदेशेषुविधेय: परमादर: ॥ || AstangaHrudaya  Sutrastana  1st chapter || The purpose of life is

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Booti of the Month : Guduchi/Amrita

It is described as the nectar creeper “Amritavalli” which signifies its use for revitalisation and its importance in Ayurveda. It is considered as the wonder drug, as it possess immense medicinal value and acts on the body and removes the

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on

Booti of the Month : Vasaka/Malabar nut

It is categorised as Shweta – white and Krishna Asthiparni – black variety. (Bha.pra) Further it is again classified into varieties depending on the length of the inflorescence — bigger and the smaller variety known as Chitta Adolodakam in Malayalam.

By Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan Posted on