
Care and Home Remedies for Babies

Crying is the only expression a small baby has for various needs. Crying may denote discomfort which may be of too much heat or cold or the nappy or other clothes are not comfortable or the air in the room

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Pain and its Management

There are two major kinds of pains: physical and mental. Both are caused by vikriti or imbalance at physical and mental levels. Mental pain can give rise to physical and vice versa. The constant imbalance gives rise to the formation

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Money Desires Corruption

Charaka said The root cause of the derangement of all is unrighteousness or adharmsa. That arises from misdeeds from a previous life or this life, but the source of both is pragya aparadha (intellectual error) [unrighteousness]… When the heads of

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Karma, Ayurveda, Health and Environment

To benefit from Ayurvedic wisdom, it is important to understand the concept of karma. The process of karmic evolution is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted. The results of previous karma are taken into account rigidly, and a deterministic attitude is made

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Remedies for menstrual troubles

In the scriptural tradition of Ayurveda, the details about women’s ailments do not occupy a leading position. The woman is highly venerated as sexual partner and for progeny and there is abundant information available on these two themes. However, about

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Ayurveda Yoga and the Policy makers

Can we hope that we make Ayurveda our main system of medicine and allopathic system only for emergencies? Can we think beyond BAMS and on real Ayurveda which is attached to mother earth, our rivers, our trees, our grasses and

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Prevention of Diabetes with Ayurveda and Yoga

by exercising restraint with the science of yoga. Yogasana and pranayama are highly sophisticated and scientific systems which invigorate each and every internal part of the body and provide us stillness of mind. According to the World Health Organisation, in

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Preventing the trouble not yet come

I have stated above that diabetes is the disease caused by deformation of agni or digestive fire or metabolism. Agni is disturbed due to bad quality digestive secretion caused due to kapha vikriti at specific places. We have been provided

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on

Ayurvedic Diet for prevention of Diabetes

We have lost our habits of eating multiple grains, variety of other ingredients and foods in their natural form. Our cuisine used to be natural and healthy and we ate according to space and time (desha and kala). We need

By Dr. Vinod Verma Posted on