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35th State Council Meeting of AMAI to discuss issues faced by Ayurveda professionals in Kerala

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The two-day 35th state level conference of the Ayurveda Medical Association of India (AMAI) organized by the Waynaud district committee in Kerala concluded with the association passing 22 resolutions including demand for co-locating allopathy and ayurvedic systems under one roof. AMAI also mulled over strong measures to win the attention of the state government for addressing the problems faced by Ayurveda professionals in Kerala.

Other resolutions included setting up of a separate Ayush department in Kerala in line with the central Ayush controlling agency, inclusion of Ayurveda into the syllabus of the school education to provide basic knowledge of the system to the students, equal salary system to Ayurveda doctors on par with allopathic doctors, action against treatment by quacks claiming indigenous healing, etc.

A resolution was presented seeking implementation of specialty treatments in all district and taluk hospitals. Currently, specialty treatments are available only in government Ayurveda medical colleges. No department of pediatrics, gynecology and mental health is functioning in any district hospital.

Another resolution was also presented wanting the government to make the services of Asha workers and Health workers available in the ayurvedic health sector. Presently there is no project in the government level involving these social workers.

Further, the state meeting will urge the government to increase facilities for higher studies for practicing doctors. PG Diploma in clinical specialties has not been started in Kerala as yet. Though 1200 ayurvedic doctors are getting registered every year, only ten percent of them are getting opportunities for higher study. Presently, Kerala has three Ayurveda medical colleges in the government sector and two in the private sector with government funding.

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