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Artificial Intelligence to change Ayurvedic personalized products

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artificial intelligence - Artificial Intelligence to change Ayurvedic personalized products

artificial intelligence 400x229 - Artificial Intelligence to change Ayurvedic personalized productsNew Delhi. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to change the scenario of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic ingredients have been combined with the latest scientific techniques in order to formulate Ayurvedic beauty products. Angela Paljor of The New Indian Express has reported that the beauty and the wellness industry has come a long way since then, and today we are looking at a combination of the age-old tradition with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

“Programming has helped prepare a database that can take individual characteristics into account, so that it is possible to manufacture a beauty product that is specifically meant for an individual, rather than only conforming to broader specifications, like skin type. AI can make it possible to find a custom made product for each individual,” reveals Delhi-based Shahnaz Husain in conversation with Angela.

Director at Mantra Herbal says, “We are now using modern technology for research, better clinical trials, state of the art equipment to manufacture and to develop new products. We also invest in biotechnology to enhance the quality of raw materials and output, and use sophisticated extraction methods to deliver standardised bio-actives.”

“AI can be used to generate intelligent data from the clinical research that is done during product formulations. This data helps in tweaking formulations to be most effective”, Manish Chowdhary, Co-Founder, WOW Skin Science (Fit & Glow), says.

Suraj Vazirani, Founder of The Beauty Co. feels that the beauty industry did get distracted by chemical-laden cosmetic and beauty products for a while, it has now come full circle by going back to its roots.More and more people want organic products made with natural ingredients, but with a touch of technology. Top-notch beauty brands take help of AI to know their customers and give personalised care exclusively suitable to their skin and hair.”

“I believe marrying old with the new must be done with intricacy and sensitivity that will help maintain the integrity of the wisdom involved.” added Vivek Sahni, CEO and Co-Founder, Kama Ayurveda. At Ayush level government is also concentrating on this modernization and industry feels it will add quality to research in the field of personalised products.

(Source : The new Indian Express).


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