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Ensure strong immune system of your child

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 11 29 - Ensure strong immune system of your child

Everything from the climate, food, eating habits and lifestyle is undergoing a constant change. Then again, not all these factors affect all children in the same way. This is where immunity comes into the picture.

The effect of each of these changes and many others on each child will be determined by how strong the immune system of the child is. As it is not always possible to control the external factors, it becomes important that children have a strong immune system.

The immune system of children is the soldier that fights against illnesses and infections and plays a big role in ensuring their growth, health and wellbeing.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 11 28 - Ensure strong immune system of your child

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Dr. Partap Chauhan

Dr. Partap Chauhan is an author, public speaker, TV personality and master Ayurvedic physician. He currently serves as the Director of Jiva Ayurveda and spearheads all its medical and pharmaceutical activities.