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What Is Immunity & How To Boost It

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 12 9 e1628173537514 - What Is Immunity & How To Boost It

There are two kinds of immunity: active and passive. Active immunity is when our body is actively resisting on its own. Passive immunity is when we take help from outside sources by way of immunization.

The word immunity has been derived from the Latin word immunitas, meaning exemption or resistance. Originally the Latin immunis was used in the context of exemption from any government service like military service. Later on, it became synonymous with one’s health status too, denoting resistance of one’s body to contract any disease.

Merriam-Webster defines immunity as a condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing development of a pathogenic microorganism or by counteracting the effects of its products.

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Sunita Pant bansal

In her four decades of writing career, she founded a weekend newspaper and three magazines, besides editing five magazines, writing numerous articles and hundreds of books. Her forte is mythology, spirituality, education, travel and holistic wellness.