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Ayurveda For Lifestyle Disorders In Today’s Women

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 12 28 a - Ayurveda For Lifestyle Disorders In Today’s Women

Woman body is complex and delicate, so to improve the health of women, sustainable programs that promote wellness and disease prevention are needed. Hence the advice for today’s youth and women is to take more care and control of their own health by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Diseases are due to lack of oneness with the environment. Onsets of these diseases are insidious and take time to develop and once occur they are difficult to heal. The basic factors contributing to these diseases are poor food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture and disturbed biological clock. Many women are predisposed to various diseases based on their occupation and the lifestyle which are preventable.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 12 28 - Ayurveda For Lifestyle Disorders In Today’s Women

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Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan

Dr. G. G. Gangadharan, an ayurvedacharya, is the Director of Ramaiah Indic Specialty Ayurveda - Restoration Hospital, (R-ISA), Bengaluru. He is the founder Director and Executive Secretary of all India movement for revitalizing local health traditions of India viz., Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samithi (LSPSS).