
which ‘milk’ is best for our health?

A trip to the supermarket presents shoppers with an overwhelming number of milk choices. And far from just being the domain of the modern hipster, plant-based milk alternatives are going mainstream. Leah Dowling, Lecturer in Dietetics, Swinburne University of Technology

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CSIR-IMTECH to have biorepository of COVID-19 samples

New Delhi. (Jyoti Singh,India Science Wire): The Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC) at the Institute of Microbial Technology Chandigarh (IMTECH) will host the biorepository of COVID-19 samples. The institute will store clinical samples of COVID-19 patients for

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Ashwagandha to help in fighting Corona,claims IIT research

New Delhi. Natural compounds from Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and Propolis could be potential drug candidates against Covid-19. It is revealed in a collaborative study of DAILAB ( DBT-AIST International Laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi

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