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Ayurvedic approach and management of VISADA

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 29 - Ayurvedic approach and management of VISADA

Visada or Depression is defined as lowering of mood, such as feeling sad, tearful, melancholic or low in spirits. Depression is the cardinal feature of depressive illness. Sometimes the word ‘depression’ is used as shorthand to describe a depressive illness.

From the dawn of human civilization the quest to achieve long and healthy life has always fascinated mankind. Ayurveda has always helped mankind to live a long and disease free life. Man has started to neglect all the rules of the nature and in return is suffering from hazardous diseases. Life style disorders have almost crippled human race. Due to these long diseases human being also face great psychological and emotional problems. The chronicity of illness, prolonged physical suffering, high cost and adverse effects of the drugs, repeated hospital visits etc. makes it impossible for a patient to live a normal happy life and he becomes prone to psychological problems.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 26 - Ayurvedic approach and management of VISADA

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Dr. Asit panja

Known ayurveda scholar devoted to research. Patron of NASYA, associated with National Institute of Ayurveda. Many research works including Classical Methods of Education in Ayurveda and A Scientific Exploration of ''Carakopaskara commentary".