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Ayurvedic remedy for herpes receives patent from US

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Biogetica - Ayurvedic remedy for herpes receives patent from US

Biogetica 400x242 - Ayurvedic remedy for herpes receives patent from USBiogetica announced the results of trials of a herpes medicine, which successfully marks reduced time and early treatment with the use of a combination therapy of the company’s hyperisince and reginmune. The Ayurvedic remedy has been granted a patent by the US patent office. In 2004, Dr T Vijayan from the JSS School of Pharmaceuticals discovered that extracts of Hypericum Mysorense, a rare plant from the Nilgiri Hills, could completely suppress the herpes virus in-vitro. Hyperisince has since been licensed by AYUSH for the management of herpes and is gaining popularity amongst both doctors and patients looking for a safe and effective way of dealing with this virus, variants of which are herpes simplex and herpes zoster. In the trial, it was seen that a herpes outbreak usually lasts 21 days without treatment. The combination therapy of hyperisince and reginmune however brought the average time down to three days from nine days. Furthermore, 76 per cent of patients with genital herpes who took the combination of hyperisince and reginmune did not have a relapse of herpes for the follow-up period of 2 years.

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