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Ayush claim on virus decried

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corona1 - Ayush claim on virus decried

corona1 - Ayush claim on virus decriedAn advisory from India’s traditional medicines ministry suggested remedies from ayurveda, unani and homoeopathy for the novel coronavirus. Medical researchers, including some open to examining the science of traditional medicine and some already doing so, have asserted there’s no evidence that the remedies listed by the government can protect people from the novel coronavirus, which has triggered a global scare. The ministry for AYUSH has in its advisory listed several remedies from Ayurveda and a drug called arsenicum album from homoeopathy as “preventive” medications against the coronavirus. It has also cited several remedies from Unani for the “symptomatic management of coronavirus infections”.

The advisory also underscores standard precautions such as washing hands, avoiding close contact with people with symptoms, and adopting respiratory etiquette while coughing or sneezing that are expected to minimise the risk of catching acute respiratory infections.

The ministry said an expert panel under the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy had discussed the ways of preventing coronavirus infections and recommended that arsenicum album be taken daily on an empty stomach for three days.


Clarification on Precautionary measures advised by Ministry of AYUSH in the context of Corona Virus

New Delhi(PIB). In a press release Ayush has clarified its advisery in the context of Corona Virus treatment. Ayush release says, “This is with reference to the advisories issued in public interest by Ministry of AYUSH on general preventive and prophylactic measures to be followed in emerging viral diseases like Corona. Two advisories issued on 29th January, 2020 are only indicating general precautionary measures to be followed in the context of such viral diseases. These measures are advised based on the principles of approach in respective medical system to such viral diseases where respiratory involvement is evident. These advisories neither claimed effective treatment for Corona virus nor suggested any specific drug to combat corona virus. The personal hygienic measures and few herbal preparations which may be helpful to maintain health are indicated in the advisory. It was also advised that the use of these preparations should be done in consultation with registered practitioners from respective system of medicine.

In this regard, it was learnt that certain news reports from media and medical professional bodies did manipulate and tried to malign the image of AYUSH systems of healthcare and tried to create distrust among the public towards these medical systems. The world is trying to find some help for the pandemic of Corona virus. There is no cure possible as of now. In this situation, any little help from any corner shall be welcomed. The effort of AYUSH Advisory may be seen from this right perspective.”

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