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Be Compassionate during Corona-time

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 06 58 - Be Compassionate during Corona-time

As people get bored, they look for reasons to be unhappy and fight. Meditate, play cards, read, don’t watch TV, feed birds and animals and above all, be compassionate. 

A few experiences of the millions I have had during the first phase of COVID lockdown.

On March 24th, when the lockdown was announced, I immediately gave my phone number across the country for all animal volunteers to use if they needed help. I thought that perhaps a few organisations would get in touch. Not so. Thousands of calls started coming in from people who needed passes for feeding, people who were being accosted by the street police while feeding and people who were suffering from the viciousness of RWAs.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 06

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 06 56 - Be Compassionate during Corona-time

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