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California hosted 15th National Ayurvedic Medical Association Conference

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Ayurveda Mind

AyurvedaMind - California hosted 15th National Ayurvedic Medical Association ConferenceThe 15th annual National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) conference, “Ayurveda and the Mind” was held on April 26 at Multiveristy in Scotts Valley, California. The event hosted over 70 booths and was attended by 500 ayurveda practitioners and delegates.

The three-day conclave featured international seminars to showcase the strength of ayurvedic methods of treatment and new research in the sector. Some of the topics included ayurveda, yoga therapy for stilling the mind, herbal preparations for healing the mind, panchakarma and the mind, emotional health and well-being, food and mood, ayurvedic herbal protocols for mental disorders, jyotish for mental health, integrative management of anxiety and depression. Amy Wheeler, Jayarajan Kodaikannath, Jay Apte and Suhas Kshirsagar were some of the speakers at NAMA 2019.

David Frawley, D. Litt., spoke on Vedic counseling, which is guidance for life based on the vedic tradition of self knowledge and cosmic knowledge. Frawley is a world-renowned Vedic teacher, and the author of over 40 books published in 20 languages over the last several decades.

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