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Digestion and Metabolism

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 40 a - Digestion and Metabolism

Food which comes from the external world to the body is to be broken up, absorbed and assimilated. A heterogeneous substance has to be made homogeneous. The factors responsible for these activities in the body are known as agnis.

Ayurveda recognises 13 channels in the human body. These srotas or channels of circulation play an important role in the advent of a disease.  If the movement or the circulation in these channels is stopped or impaired because of some external or internal factors, then, this results in the accumulation of the substance being carried in that particular channel and the metabolism of the tissue is affected, thus giving rise to immature or uncooked products.

These uncooked products not only accumulate there, but may circulate throughout the body being diverted to other channels which are still functioning. They Thu› impair the activities of those channels which results in the manifestation o’ a disease. To keep the channels perfect or in a state of proper functioning, many prescriptions and prohibitions are given in Ayurvedic texts. The important ones are, timely taking of food, passing out of excreta, attending to natural urges of the body, and physical exercises.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 40 - Digestion and Metabolism

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