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Food is matter of Choice

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 09 13 - Food is matter of Choice

If you listen to your body, your body will clearly tell you with what kind of food it is happy. But right now, you are listening to your mind. Your mind keeps lying to you all the time. Hasn’t it lied to you before?

What kind of food you eat should depend not on what you think about it, or on your values and ethics, but on what the body wants. Food is about the body. When it comes to food, don’t ask your doctors or your nutrition experts because these people keep changing their opinion every five years. When it comes to food, ask the body with what kind of food it is really happy. Try different foods and see how your body feels after eating the food. If your body feels very agile, energetic and nice, that means the body is happy. If the body feels lethargic and needs to be pumped up with caffeine or nicotine to stay awake, the body is not happy, isn’t it?

For Full article, buy Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 09

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 09 10 - Food is matter of Choice

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