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Free yoga classes at Ayurveda hospital

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as bg2 - Free yoga classes at Ayurveda hospital

The District Ayurveda Hospital in Ernakulam offers free yoga classes to the public at the hospital as part of the Ayush Department initiative in providing yoga and naturopathy care along with Ayurveda. Yoga classes for the public are held from 7.30 a.m to 8.30 a.m. on all working days and so far only 20 people have registered for the class that was started about two months ago. Classes are held on all working days. Patients at the Ayurveda hospital are also given the option of seeking cure through yoga and naturopathy. Integrating therapeutic yoga and naturopathy as part of the treatment for OP and IP patients, the doctor prescribes lifestyle changes and provides dietary consultation as per naturopathy. There are about 170 patients who had sought yoga and naturopathy intervention since the department started functioning. There are more patients with pain-related disorders who had sought cure.

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