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Government Ayurveda College struggles to get recognition

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The Government Ayurveda College and Hospital, situated on the campus of Sumpurnanand Sanskrit University at Varanasi is struggling for existence. The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), the governing body of medical colleges had denied recognition to the college in 2012, as it lacked required faculty. Since the college was denied recognition there have been no new admissions on the 50 seats for the last two academic sessions (2012-13 and 2013-14). Recently new faculties have joined and the college has again applied for recognition this year.

Another problem being faced by the hospital is poor infrastructure, which needs immediate attention. The number of patients coming to the hospital had also decreased. For a long time, the woman ward remained locked as there were no patients. Earlier about 300-350 patients used to visit the OPD everyday mainly for the Panch-Karma treatment, but now the number has decreased to 150-200.

Although the hospital has all the required equipment and adequate staff for healthcare but it suffers due to poor infrastructure. Moreover, sanitation and cleanliness of the hospital is not good.
Till 1981, the college was a part of SSU but later it came under the state government. Efforts are made to re-establish the hospital. All required facilities have been created and the new teachers have joined.

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