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Inauguration of Ayur Ashram Slovania office at SDM Ayurveda College and Hospital

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The agreement represented by Ayur Ashram Slovania with the office bearers of India and the inauguration of office at the college premises were held at Bhavaprakash auditorium of SDM college and at the hospital respectively. Dr. Sathyajit V. Kadakol, Vice President, CAPE (Consortium for Ayurveda Promotion in Europe) explained the objectives and proposed the establishment of Ayurvedic treatment centres and Ayurvedic educational centres after getting approval from the government in European countries. Providing treatment facilities to patients coming from European country will be one of the objectives of SDM Ayurveda Hospital. In European countries, information relating to Ayurveda is included in text books to get the knowledge of Ayurveda at primary education stage itself.

On this occasion, Dr. U.N. Prasad, the retired Principal of S.D.M. Ayurveda College, Udupi was felicitated on behalf of Ayur Ashram Slovania.
The agreement with Ayur Ashram Slovania is a very significant one and the programmes of exchanging ideas with the doctors of European countries are going to be conducted and there is possibility of getting an opportunity to provide Ayurveda treatment in a pure way to the patients in the near future. This will facilitate the progress of Ayurveda.

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