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Is Wooden Breast syndrome simply another name for Chicken Diabetes ?

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 07 54 - Is Wooden Breast syndrome simply another name for Chicken Diabetes ?

Breeding for bigger, faster-growing chickens is probably tied to the emergence of wooden breast, says food scientist Massimiliano Petracci of Italy’s University of Bologna. “It’s not the final weight so much as it is how fast the bird gets there,” said Sacit F. Bilgili, a professor emeritus of poultry science at Auburn University, who studies such muscle abnormalities. In 1930 it took 50 days for a broiler to gain one pound. Now it takes 7.7 days to gain one pound.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 07 53 - Is Wooden Breast syndrome simply another name for Chicken Diabetes ?

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