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Keep the Right Company

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 48 a - Keep the Right Company

Nervousness is highly contagious and may also be caused by association with nervous, faultfinding, or otherwise disagreeable people.

Nervousness Interferes with the Functioning of the Body and Mind. Nervousness appears to be a simple ailment, but in reality it is very complicated and very uncomfortable.If you are nervous, it is difficult to heal any disease you might have. If you are nervous, you cannot concentrate and work efficiently to attain success. If you are nervous, you cannot meditate deeply and thus acquire peace and wisdom.

In fact nervousness interferes with all the normal functioning of the human body and mind. It upsets the physical, mental, and spiritual machinery.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 48 - Keep the Right Company

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