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Magical ways

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 55 - Magical ways

They change their forms to look like species that predators avoid. Their scents change, their colours blend in with the background or with their prey.

Their ways of surviving are nothing less than magical.

Mimicry, by changing form, shape and colour, is unique to animals. Imagine if you went into a Chinese or African neighbourhood and had to blend in. Or become shorter, fatter, change the shape of your nose, increase the number of arms, the odour your body emits. We can’t do any of these things even if our lives depend on it.But animals and insects do it easily. They change their forms to look like species that predators avoid. Their scents change, their colours blend in with the background or with their prey. Their ways of surviving are nothing less than magical.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 54 - Magical ways

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