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Medimix launches range of Ayurvedic Hand Wash and Hand Sanitizers

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Medimix - Medimix launches range of Ayurvedic Hand Wash and Hand Sanitizers

Medimix 400x229 - Medimix launches range of Ayurvedic Hand Wash and Hand SanitizersMedimix With more than 50 years in Ayurvedic skin care, Medimix has recently introduced their new range of Ayurvedic Hand Wash and Hand Sanitizers. The Medimix hand wash and hand sanitizers range use innovative combinations of natural ingredients like Lemon, Tulsi, Aloe Vera, Neem and Turmeric to create invigorating blends that provide 99.9% germ protection and also ensures that they are gentle and soft on the skin, leaving the hand smelling fresh, soft and clean. The new Medimix Ayurvedic Hand Wash includes three variants: Nature Fresh, Nature Soft and Nature Care and the new Medimix Ayurveda Hand Sanitizer includes two variantsNeem, Tulsi, Aloe Vera and Lemon, Tulsi and Aloe Vera. The newly launched products are available at all major retail outlets and ecommerce platforms.

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