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Meditate and Create Protective Aura

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 51 - Meditate and Create Protective Aura

Two methods have been tried in order to understand and cure the disease called man. One is medicine, and the other is meditation.

Recently, there was one report published in a daily newspaper: We would not have believed in this information if it was mentioned in the context of mythology, but now even the modern science is agreeing that the practice of meditation creates a protective armour around the meditators. The physical body of the meditator gets protected from the infections in the atmosphere.

We are certainly living in the most stressful and depressing time of so many viruses like Corona and fatal diseases like cancer, and whatnot. It is not so easy to relax and mind our own business–and our businesses are also going down the drain because of un-meditative life-style.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 08 50 - Meditate and Create Protective Aura

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Swami Chaitanya Keerti

A close associate of Osho, popular for his Yoga retreats and scientific writings.