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Milk increases Ojas

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 10 16 a - Milk increases Ojas

People the world over often ask questions about milk and milk products, especially in the light of recent research that suggests milk is beneficial only for children. Although it is difficult to decide anything, as there is a lot of debate still going on, it might be appropriate to share the Ayurvedic view on milk and milk products. According to Ayurveda, milk is considered an important part of the diet. The Astang Sangraha, an ancient text of Ayurveda, has a complete section, Ksheer Varga, which describes milk and milk products.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 10 16 - Milk increases Ojas

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Dr. Partap Chauhan

Dr. Partap Chauhan is an author, public speaker, TV personality and master Ayurvedic physician. He currently serves as the Director of Jiva Ayurveda and spearheads all its medical and pharmaceutical activities.