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Mytrademartstore starts online business

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mytrademartstore - Mytrademartstore starts online business

mytrademartstore - Mytrademartstore starts online businessMytrademartstore announces its online business of selling personal care products like beauty & skincare, haircare, makeup and more. Mytrademartstore launched the website for the customers to get correct personal care products without going through agents, wholesalers, and retailers. They provide services all over Malaysia through their online platform. They are selling genuine and high-quality products of well-known brands like VLCC, Godrej, Parachute, etc.

Mytrademartstore is a direct supplier of Ayurveda products; it is noteworthy that presently all their products are registered with the Ministry of Health in Malaysia. The products also have halal certification as VLCC Ayurveda Face Wash and Godrej Body Soap (Cinthol Original) have Maharashtra Halal certification. The Marico Parachute Gold Hair Oil has Chennai Halal certification. Mytrademartstore is owned by Relev Tech Sdn Bhd. It is an IT start-up based in Kuala Lumpur, and it is committed to providing better technology solutions.


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