
Lifestyle Diseases: Moderation is the key

Lifestyle diseases are those diseases that we bring on to ourselves by the way we live. And these include most commonly: hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart diseases and diabetes. Unfortunately, instead of decreasing, this list is constantly increasing over the years.

By Sunita Pant bansal Posted on

Diabetes: A Lifestyle Syndrome

Ayurveda being the “Science of holistic living & Art of natural healing” considers the both exogenous and endogenous origin of the disease in the management for the sustained protection from the chronic conditions such as diabetes. Some authorities had compared

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Amalgamation of Ayurveda and Modern Medicine is the Key

He conceptualized the idea that Ayurveda can play a big role in chronic cardiac disease. He used his education in modern medicine and undertook a meticulous research into Ayurveda. Extensive experimentation and delving deeper into every minute aspect of his

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on