
Ozone Therapy: Administering Ozone to Treat

Ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. Ozone has three atoms of normal oxygen which is present in the atmosphere. The isolated oxygen is compressed, it is converted

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Hypno Therapy: A Medium to Treat

Hypnotherapy is an alternative Science that uses Hypnosis as a medium to treat, and bring improvement and assist the client in their healing. Hypnosis is an altered state of Mind, it is simply a deep state of relaxation and nothing

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Float Therapy: Healing @Zero Gravity

Float therapy is a powerful tool for wellness, relaxation, pain relief and better sleep. It offers relief and benefits which are cumulative—they build on themselves with each subsequent session. Shantanu Pabalkar, Owner, Relax Essence Float Spa is extremely interested in

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Discover Your Highest Potential

Ayurveda goes much deeper than just circadian medicine! Ayurveda, as the science of life, describes fundamentally how we can live in harmony with the cycles of nature. Scientists are finding out that syncing up with both day-to-day and seasonal cycles

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Serenity Surrender: Recognising the Karma

Serenity Surrender (SS) is a healing therapy that facilitates recognising the karma that we carry that is currently manifesting as our undesirable situation. The karma resides within us in the form of our subconscious beliefs, and is meant for our

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Psychosomatic Disorders: Yoga and Ayurveda Perspective

The individual consciousness comprises of 5 layers called Panchkosha, they are annamaya kosha (physical body), Pranamaya kosha (vital sheath), manomay kosha (mind), vigyanamaya kosha  (Intellactual body) and Anandamaya kosha (causal body). The advancement in the technology has made our life

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ThetaHealing®: Integration of Science and Spirituality

ThetaHealing® is an energy healing modality that combines science and spirituality to identify and transform limiting beliefs, blocks, fears, programs, traumas of an individual, as also the root causes at emotional, mental, physical, genetic and spiritual levels. ThetaHealing® works by

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