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Panchgavya to fight Corona,Clinical trials using modern medicine protocols

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Panchgavya - Panchgavya to fight Corona,Clinical trials using modern medicine protocols

Ahmedabad. Each and every stream of medicine is busy with experiments in search of Covod-19 tratment. Now,Trials on Ayurvedic medicine derived from panchgavya — cow’s milk, butter, ghee, dung and urine — to begin in Gujarat. It will start at  Rajkot, followed by Ahmedabad and Surat. It is for the first time that a clinical trial of a classical drug is being undertaken.Talking to media, Dr Vallabh Kathiria, Chairman of Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog,said, The effectiveness of cow urine and cow dung to treat certain ailments is documented in Ayurveda.Trials are also planned  in Jodhpur, Vardha, Pune  and  Hyderabad. During 15-day protocol ,patients will be given medicine and their progress documented scientifically. It is said that generally ayurvedic medicines are best as preventive measures but cure is ultimately proven in allopathy. To prove the efficacy, it is necessary to to go under trial through certain protocols , scientific documentation and established case studies. Ayurveda has been working in traditional way in general ,but now a days so many forums are working on it . Panchgavya based curative medicine trial is one of them.Panchgavya - Panchgavya to fight Corona,Clinical trials using modern medicine protocols

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