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Registration for Ayush retailers to be a must, Kerala department considering the measures

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Kerala Ayush department is worried about the quality control of Ayush drugs and considering a license system for the retailers who are selling drugs without any responsibility. Also, the advertisements violating Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954 are under scanner. More than 150 cases are before various courts in the state.

A senior official in the deputy drugs controller’s office is reported telling the Hindu newspaper that there are around 25000 retail pharmacies in Kerala and looking in to the situation a license system is necessary like modern medical system pharmacies. These stores must have qualified ayush pharmacists also.

There are complaints about drug quality in many areas. As there is no mechanism of registration and regulatory system, it is hard to check the whole market and outlets. Meanwhile, ayush department has initiated legal action against some manufacturers for their misleading media advertisements to cure diseases like diabetes.As there are only seven drug inspectors all over the State to check the quality of medicines being manufactured here, the department has sought more staff too, quoted The Hindu.

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