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Seasonal Allergies Management

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 06 47 a - Seasonal Allergies Management

Ayurveda considers ama (toxins) which is produced due to improper digestive fire is the main cause of allergy. Allergy is a hypersensitive immune response to an unusual substance (allergens) present in the environment. Age, sex, race, genetic factor can influence allergic reaction. There are four major ways by which allergen can come into contact and produce allergy i.e., skin contact, injection, ingestion and inhalation. In Ayurveda, allergy is classified on the basis of doshas i.e. which dosha get triggered during the disease process. But it depends on the constitution of the patient. Vata prakriti persons are more likely to suffer from vatika type of allergy. Pitta prakriti persons are more prone to pithika type of allergy. Likewise kapha prakriti persons are more to suffer from kaphaja type of allergy. In some persons it is a hereditary, but one can also develop an allergy at any time in his or her life. Ayurveda considers ama (toxins) which is produced due to improper digestive fire is the main cause of allergy. As ama is the primary cause of allergy it is best to remove ama by using proper purification procedures while treating chronic allergies. Many people suffer from allergies during some specific seasons and the same is known as seasonal allergies. It is more common during spring season.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 06

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 06 47 - Seasonal Allergies Management

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