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Signing of the MoU between Ministry of Women & Child Development and AYUSH

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POSHAN Abhiyaan - Signing of the MoU between Ministry of Women & Child Development and AYUSH

POSHAN Abhiyaan 400x237 - Signing of the MoU between Ministry of Women & Child Development and AYUSHThe Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) on September 20, 2020, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of AYUSH to join efforts to eradicate malnutrition as a part of POSHAN Abhiyaan. The Ministry of AYUSH would provide support to the beneficiaries of the umbrella of the Integrated Child Development Service program of the Ministry of Women and Child Development attending Anganwadi Centres. Along with a target of having a Nutrigarden in each Anganwadi, medicinal gardens will also be developed in identified Anganwadi centres under the collaborative efforts of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of AYUSH. Women and children would get the benefit of yoga classes in Anganwadi centres (AWCs) across the country.

Convergence between the MWCD and the Ministry of AYUSH will help address malnutrition through the principles and practices of Ayurveda, Yoga, and other AYUSH systems and provide context-specific solutions for holistic wellbeing of Women and Children.

While AYUSH would provide technical guidance and support for the implementation of various interventions for addressing malnutrition, including developing nutritious recipes based on regional and climatic preferences, principles, and practices under AYUSH systems, the Ministry of WCD will enable outreach of AYUSH systems through Anganwadi Centres. Initially, a pilot will be conducted in 1000 Anganwadi Centres each in a few States, which can be upscaled later in a phased manner.

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