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Some Milk Facts

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 10 24 a - Some Milk Facts

Codex Alimentarius defines a milk product as a “product obtained by any processing of milk, which may contain food additives, and other ingredients functionally necessary for the processing”. The range of milk products varies significantly from region to region and among countries in the same region, depending on dietary habits, the milk processing technologies available, market demand, and social and cultural circumstances.

The per capita consumption of milk and milk products is higher in developed countries, but the gap with many developing countries is narrowing. Demand for milk and milk products in developing countries is growing with rising incomes, population growth, urbanization and changes in diets. This trend is pronounced in East and Southeast Asia, particularly in highly populated countries such as China, Indonesia and Viet Nam. The growing demand for milk and milk products offers a good opportunity for producers (and other actors in the dairy chain) in high-potential, peri-urban areas to enhance their livelihoods through increased production.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 10 24 - Some Milk Facts

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