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Why Ayurvedic students should study vedanta ?

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 07 37 - Why Ayurvedic students should study vedanta ?

All Vedic knowledge, which Ayurveda is part of, aims at Self-realization – the recognition of our true nature (Atman or Purusha) as pure consciousness beyond body and mind. This is the highest goal of human life and grants us liberation from the cycle of rebirth, and gaining ultimate bliss and immortality.

Ayurveda is an Upaveda, a branch of the Vedas aiming at wellbeing of body and mind. It addresses the treatment of disease and the principles of right living. While Ayurveda accepts the ultimate Vedic goal of Moksha, liberation or Self-realization, it does not teach the specifics of how to achieve it. It provides us important preliminary and background information and lauds the Vedic Rishis for deeper wisdom.

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 07 36 - Why Ayurvedic students should study vedanta ?

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