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Youth Festival and Visit of Honorable Minister Shankarbhai Chaudhari at Gujarat Ayurved University

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Honorable Minister Shri Shankarbhai Chaudhari visited Gujarat Ayurved University on 11th December 2014. He took a look at UG and PG blocks, laboratory, library and IPGT&RA buildings. He praised the work process of different departments of Gujarat Ayurved University. He appreciated the efforts taken by the Vice Chancellor of Gujarat Ayurved University, Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha and wished him all success.

The 24th Youth festival of Gujarat Ayurved University was organized on 8th and 9th December and 194 students participated in the festival. The students enthusiastically participated in the various events held – Poster presentation, Rangoli competition, Vocal and Instrumental, Mime, Poetry, Classical and traditional dance.

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