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Adding ‘Super’ to your supper

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sep WEB31 - Adding 'Super' to your supper

Founder of Sixth Element, Gurvinder Singh, 42 is Chief Managing Director, Global Premium Lifestyle and Global Premium Health Foods. An ardent reader and an avid traveller, he started his business in 1997 after doing his Civil Engineering in 1991. In between he tried his luck with different jobs in Delhi, London, New York and Los Angeles. ‘Trends’ being his favourite subject he first kick-started with Lifestyle Technology. Catering to the needs of his high-end customers he further made a move towards Health Foods, which took to him Navitas Naturals, California. Inspired by the health consciousness of people in other countries he brought Navitas Naturals to India with the aim to make our country healthy.

To eat without giving a thought to calories it may add has almost become impossible to most of us and enjoying a healthy life seems unachievable. However, Superfood seems to be an answer to all our problems as it not only promises to cut down on our pocket but our visits to the doctor as well. AYURVED SUTRA representative Shruti Mittal speaks to Gurvinder Singh, about how is Superfood salubrious


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