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Ayurvedic Energy Bar

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 49 a - Ayurvedic Energy Bar

A lot of people reach for energy bars when they want a quick boost of strength during the day. Regular energy bars tend to spike your blood sugar levels, leading to a false high that’s followed by an energy crash. Switch to Ayurvedic energy bars made with ingredients like fresh figs, oats, and nuts. It releases sugar slowly and consistently, making you feel energetic.

Instead of buying packaged products, you can use this recipe to make delicious and healthy fig bars that have the freshest and healthiest ingredients. With these fig bars, you’ll experience a slow and consistent release of sugar that’ll leave you feeling balanced and energetic for long.

Ayurved Sutra Vol. 06 Issue 11

Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 11 49 - Ayurvedic Energy Bar

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