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Food and the Mind

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 01 02 50 - Food and the Mind

Mind and the senses have a very strange and Paradoxical relationship. Mind thinks that if the senses get satisfied then the desires will go away or vanish for ever. But senses are quite weird. Once they taste an ‘experience’, they want to repeat it for the inherent pleasure in that, even though the pleasure is just momentary. the pleasure centers in the mind, gets addicted to ‘that’ experience and craves for repetition. Once the mind starts relenting to the craving of senses, which it should be. As a result one becomes slave to desires, to the craving of sensory pleasures.


Ayurvedsutra Vol 06 issue 01 02 77 - Food and the Mind

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Dr. Dinesh Sharma

Dr. Dinesh Sharma did his Ayurvedacharya with distinctions from Maharishi Dayanand University in 1979. He has been Ayurveda Life Style consultant to many celebrities all over the world in more than 66 countries and keeps writing columns in various newspapers and magazines. He has also taught Ayurveda in many countries including USA, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland,Iran, USSR etc.