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ayurved issue 12 web0381 - FOOD SANITATION IN AYURVEDA

Food is the vital breath of living beings that’s why people rush to the food. Complexion,cheerfulness, good voice, life, imagination, happiness, contentment, corpulence, strength, intellect – all these are dependent on food. As it is well known that “prevention is better than cure”, it’s always advisable to have healthy diet in order to prevent the affliction of diseases. Ayurveda also has the same principle which says “Nidana parivarjana meva chikitsam” meaning avoiding the causative factors of the diseases is the first step to treatment. Many common health problems can be prevented through a nutritious diet. Only medicine will not help in curing the disease. It is necessary to give wholesome and hygienic diet in a planned way to aid in enhancing cure.

Nutritional industry has reached a remarkable height in the world business and in the developing countries like India where the majority of the population including women and children are still unable to reach the optimum of nutritional status. The lack of knowledge about the Food and hygiene apart from attraction towards junk and fast foods due to busy and competitive nature of life are resulting in the further deterioration of the healthy state of the individuals.


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