
Neem Leaves and Tamarind : Health with Mahatma Gandhi

You ask about food values. Data on this point are being rapidly gathered here and elsewhere in India, and I hope that at no very distant period an authoritative book or pamphlet giving the chemical composition, vitamin potency, etc. of

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Wheat and Gur : Health with Mahatma Gandhi

I dealt with rice. Let us now take up wheat. It is the second most important article of diet, if not the first. From the nutritive standpoint, it is the king of cereals. By itself, it is more perfect than

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Ayurvedic Energy Bar

A lot of people reach for energy bars when they want a quick boost of strength during the day. Regular energy bars tend to spike your blood sugar levels, leading to a false high that’s followed by an energy crash.

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism

Habits once formed are difficult to shed. They are very realization comes to man that he is his own bodyguard, and his body has been dedicated to service, he desires to learn the law of keeping his body in a

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Mother’s Milk boon to Baby

Mother ‘s milk is complete nutrition which is easy for digestion to baby. It has right amount of fat, sugar, protein and water that is needed for growth of a baby. It is also helpful in jaw development while sucking

By Dr. Sunanda Ranade Posted on

Wisdom from the Plums

Eating in silence, the food becomes real with our mindfulness and we are fully aware of its nourishment. In order to deepen our practice of mindful eating and support the peaceful atmosphere, we remain seated during this silent period. Eating

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on