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Massage is manipulation of soft body tissues

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 01 76 a - Massage is manipulation of soft body tissues

Massage relaxes the tight muscles, stiff joints and achieving tendons. The movements of massage help to ease stiffness by warming and loosening up the body, but stimulates the blood flow, which brings additional oxygen and nutrients to those parts that need most.

Naturecure is a drugless, non-violent and non-invasive therapy. Massage is considered to the one of the very important treatments in Naturopathy. It is done in different ways to help the best therapeutic effects like dry friction massage, brushing powder massage, acupressure massage, meridian massage, foot massage, spinal massage, head massage, herbal massage, special joint massage with different herbs, and sunbathe is must, as vitamin D is absorbed, oil massage; vigorous & gentle, full body massage, endocrine gland massage to reduce fat, massage to reduce pain, stress, detoxify to induce sleep, activate blood circulation, oxygen, nutrients, manipulation of soft body tissues, automatic nervous system, relaxing active tendons, warming and loosening muscles, circulation of particular organs by activating functions, local point massage, relax points massage, activating all the meridians by massage. The art can be defined as manipulation of soft body tissues.

Full article in Ayurved Sutra Vol. 07 Issue 01

Ayurvedsutra Vol 07 issue 01 76 - Massage is manipulation of soft body tissues

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