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Clarification on Precautionary measures advised by Ministry of AYUSH in the context of Corona Virus

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corona2 - Clarification on Precautionary measures advised by Ministry of AYUSH in the context of Corona Virus

corona2 - Clarification on Precautionary measures advised by Ministry of AYUSH in the context of Corona Virus

Posted On: 04 FEB 2020 11:29AM by PIB Delhi

This is with reference to the advisories issued in public interest by Ministry of AYUSH on general preventive and prophylactic measures to be followed in emerging viral diseases like Corona. Two advisories issued on 29th January, 2020 are only indicating general precautionary measures to be followed in the context of such viral diseases. These measures are advised based on the principles of approach in respective medical system to such viral diseases where respiratory involvement is evident. These advisories neither claimed effective treatment for Corona virus nor suggested any specific drug to combat corona virus. The personal hygienic measures and few herbal preparations which may be helpful to maintain health are indicated in the advisory. It was also advised that the use of these preparations should be done in consultation with registered practitioners from respective system of medicine.

In this regard, it was learnt that certain news reports from media and medical professional bodies did manipulate and tried to malign the image of AYUSH systems of healthcare and tried to create distrust among the public towards these medical systems. The world is trying to find some help for the pandemic of Corona virus. There is no cure possible as of now. In this situation, any little help from any corner shall be welcomed. The effort of AYUSH Advisory may be seen from this right perspective.

Earlier, in its first advisory on 29th January 2020, AYUSH press release mentioned Homoeopathy for prevention of Corona Virus infections and use of Unani medicines in symptomatic management of Corona Virus infections. Here are the excerpts from the press release posted by PIB, Delhi –


“The outbreak of a mysterious new CoronaVirus is rapidly spreading. The whole world is going through the fear of this Corona Virus, the Research Councils under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India have issued advisory based on the Indian traditional medicine practices Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani.

As per the Ayurverdic Practices the following Preventive Management Steps are suggested.

  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available.
  • Drink Shadang Paniya (Musta, Parpat, Usheer, Chandan,Udeechya & Nagar) processed water (10 gm powder boiled in 1-liter water, until it reduces to half). Store it in a bottle and drink it when thirsty.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your face during cough or sneeze and wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Preferably, use an N95 mask while traveling or working in public places to avoid droplet transmission
  • If you suspect Corona Viral infection, wear a mask and contact your nearest hospital immediately.

Prophylactic Measures/Immunomodulatory drugs as per the Ayurvedic practices.

  • Measures shall be taken to strengthen the immune system through a healthy diet and lifestyle practices.
  • Agastya Harityaki 5 gm, twice a day with warm water.
  • Samshamani Vati 500 mg twice a day.
  • Trikatu(Pippali, Marich & Shunthi) powder 5 gm and Tulasi 3-5 leaves (boiled in 1-litre water, until it reduces to ½ liter and keeps it in a bottle) keep taking it in sips as and when required.
  • Pratimarsa Nasya: Instill two drops of Anu taila/Sesame oil in each nostril daily in the morning.

(* This advocacy is for information only and shall be adopted in consultation with registered Ayurveda practitioners only.)

At the instance of Ministry of AYUSH, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) discussed the ways and means of prevention of Coronavirus infection through Homoeopathy in 64th meeting of its Scientific Advisory Board on 28th January 2020. The Group of Expertsinter-alia has recommended that homoeopathy medicine Arsenicum album30 could be taken as prophylactic medicine against Coronavirus infections, which has also been advised for prevention of ILI.

It has recommended one doze of Arsenicum album 30, daily in empty stomach for three days. The dose should be repeated after one month by following the same schedule incase Coronavirus infections prevail in the community. The Expert Group has further suggested that general hygienic measures for prevention of air-borne infections suggested by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India, for prevention of the disease should also be followed by the public.

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