
Who can go through Sannyasa?

Sannyasa is the life stage of renunciation within the Hindu philosophy of four age-based life stages known as ashrams, with the first three being Brahmacharya (bachelor student), Grihastha (householder) and Vanaprastha (forest dweller, retired). Sannyasa is traditionally conceptualized for men

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Why Gita is the song of the spirit ?

The Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Spirit), the divine communion of truth-realisation between man and his Creator are the teachings of Spirit through the soul which should be sung unceasingly. Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part

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What is Sun Yoga?

Sun Yoga is a form of yoga that leads you towards self-realisation through your physical body. Our signature flow is built on the meditative flow of the breath and components of Hatha yoga, mantra, relaxation and meditation. At Sun Yoga,

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What is the goal of Hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions, including arthritis and related rheumatic complaints. Hydrotherapy differs from swimming because it involves special exercises that you do in a warm-water pool. The water temperature is usually 33–36ºC,

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What is Tridosha theory ?

The doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They govern all physical and mental processes and provide every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfillment. The doshas derive from the Five Elements and

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What is the principle of Vipassana ?

The word vipassana can be divided into two. Passana means seeing, i.e., perceiving. The prefix vi has several meanings, one of which is through. Vipassana– insight literally cuts through the curtain of delusion in the mind. Vi can also function

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What is Transcendental Meditation ?

Transcendental Meditation (TM) refers to a specific form of mantra meditation called the Transcendental Meditation technique. TM is said to bring the practitioner to a special state of consciousness often characterized as enlightenment or bliss. The method involves entertaining a

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What is Vedanta Darshan ?

Vedanta is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. A closer look at the word Vedanta is revealing: Vedanta is a combination of two words: Veda which means knowledge and anta which means “the end of” or “the

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Is Patanjali the avatar of Adishesha?

According to mythology ,Maharishi Patanjali was the avatar of Adi Shesha – the Infinite Cosmic Serpent upon whom Lord Vishnu rests. He is considered to be the compiler of the Yoga Sutras.According to some researchers the author of a commentary

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Can everyone energise Chakras?

Yes, just start search within. Derived from Sanskrit, the term Chakra means ‘wheel’. In Hindu, tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems are energy points or nodes in the subtle body. They are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy

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