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How do Naturopathy works?

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Naturopathy is a system of working towards the cure of diseases without using medicines. It is a system of treatment and healthcare that supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself through nutrition, exercise and life-style advice. An ancient and traditional science which integrates the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our natural constitution, it possesses the capacity to prevent and in some cases also cure the disease. It is a holistic system which believes that good health is not the same as the absence of disease and that promoting a general state of wellbeing through dietary principles, lifestyle, exercise and other techniques is an effective way to manage our physiological systems.

It brings us closer to nature by integrating the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of body. Nature is the best doctor. It is an ancient science which aims at teaching people the art of healthy living by changing their daily routine and habits. Naturopathy may be beneficial for a wide range of acute or chronic conditions as well as a general practice for living well. It draws on a wide range of therapeutic disciplines – known as “modalities” – and may help to avoid surgery and excessive medication.

Naturopathy advises on homemade remedies. It gives cure from what to eat and drink, and stresses on fasting and remodelling our lifestyle. It uses five elements of nature AkashVayuAgniPrithvi and Jal as therapies together with applied yoga and meditation.

Naturopathy is completely in tune with traditional ways of living, prayer and meditation. Preventive health measures like regular fasts, the concept of getting up early and sleeping early, exercising in the morning, eating home cooked food, culture of massages and shatkarmas are part of Indian lifestyle. Naturopathy is part of the culture.

The reasons and remedies of all diseases are the same; ailments develop due to the presence of intoxicants which are removed. The intoxicants cause diseases, not bacteria and viruses which simply feed off them. And the last, nature itself is the best ‘doctor’, the patient is cured, not the ailment. All levels of the body are treated simultaneously and holistically in Naturopathy.

  • Holistic Sutra Posted for Ayurved Sutra by Soulpark with Shruti M
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