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Booti of the Month : Bitter Gourd, CarillaFrui

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Ayurvedsutra Issue 547jpg - Booti of the Month : Bitter Gourd, CarillaFrui

The bitter gourd grows throughout India and is often cultivated up to an altitude of 1,500 metres. Momordicacharantia is a monoecious climber. Its stem is slender, more or less pubescent, and the leaves are suborbicular, 5-7 lobed, hairy. The flowers are yellow and solitary; the fruits are pendulous, fusiform, beaked and ribbed with numerous tubercles. Its seeds are brownish, compressed and embedded in red pulp.


Ayurvedsutra Issue 547 copy - Booti of the Month : Bitter Gourd, CarillaFrui

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