
Letting Blood Go!!

Blood is the lifeline and very precious for human body. A complete chapter has been dedicated by Susruta on blood, which explains its importance and its vital functions. In situations, when Pitta symptoms must be reduced quickly and there is

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Booti of the Month : Punarnava

Punarnava renew, rejuvenate and revive the body systems. Found all across India, Punarnava has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antifibrinolytic and antibacterial properties. It helps in treating asthma, urinary disorders, leucorrhea, rheumatism and encephalitis. Punarnava is derived from two Hindi words ‘punar’ which

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

A Ball is a Ball, a Soul is so Unique

Science is the knowledge which helps us to understand the laws of nature, but we are really limited by our knowledge of what is known to us as nature. We as scientists have put significant efforts to explain things which

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

There are miles to go!

Yoga takes us to reality to fullest extent. It is the science that our ancestors practiced and implemented in their daily lives. They lived a healthier life as Yoga offered them the contentment and satisfaction that is missing from our

By Dr. H.R. Nagendra Posted on

Reduce the Risk

No food can prevent you from getting breast cancer. But some foods can boost your immune system, and help keep your risk for breast cancer low. My mother died of breast cancer. I have had many violent deaths in my

By Team Ayurved Sutra Posted on

Exercise to prevent CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS)

Dr S. G. Kabra is a medico-legal expert, M S in Anatomy & Surgery and an author known for his sensitive work on the human side of medical profession. He has researched on “Pranayam & Vyayam” with allopathic approach. In

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