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Booti of the Month : Vasaka/Malabar nut

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Ayurvedsutra Vol 04 issue 01 54 a - Booti of the Month :  Vasaka/Malabar nut

It is categorised as Shweta – white and Krishna Asthiparni – black variety. (Bha.pra)

Further it is again classified into varieties depending on the length of the inflorescence — bigger and the smaller variety known as Chitta Adolodakam in Malayalam.

The juice of the leaves of the smaller variety of Vasaka is a vasoconstrictor. Hence is used in acute conditions of bleeding disorders, like bleeding per rectum or per vagina, menorrhagia, epistaxis etc., whereas the dry roots of bigger variety is used as decoction which acts as Vasodilator and used in asthma and chest congestion.


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Prof. Dr. G.G. Gangadharan

Dr. G. G. Gangadharan, an ayurvedacharya, is the Director of Ramaiah Indic Specialty Ayurveda - Restoration Hospital, (R-ISA), Bengaluru. He is the founder Director and Executive Secretary of all India movement for revitalizing local health traditions of India viz., Lok Swasthya Parampara Samvardhan Samithi (LSPSS).